Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Facebook : Error code 118 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT)

http://quicknotes2015.blogspot.com/2015/02/facebook-error-code-118.html          ©2015 quicknotes2015.blogspot.com

Today when I tried to open the Facebook site I got the dreaded 
Error code 118 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT)
error page instead.

    Looking online for a solution was fruitless. Even though many people had the same problem there was not any generic solution suggesting that the problem was user dependent.
After checking my network settings typing the following at the command line
ipconfig /all
I realized that my DNS servers were set at google's public DNS servers and so I went to network settings and  selected the 
obtain dns server address automatically
setting and tried to access again Facebook and it worked.

Google's DNS servers were faster than my own ISP's but as it is stated in the documentation https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/performance

Note, however, that because nameservers geolocate according to the resolver's IP address rather than the user's, Google Public DNS has the same limitations as other open DNS services: that is, the server to which a user is referred might be farther away than one to which a local DNS provider would have referred. This could cause a slower browsing experience for certain sites.
In my case the server that Google DNS suggested was too far from my location and subsequently there was a connection timeout error issued from the facebook server.

©2015 quicknotes2015.blogspot.com


  1. I guess for us mere mortals who don't understand we shall just have to let it work its way until eventually we do get on facebook
    All so damned annoying.

    1. Hello oldcelt, in my case the "Error code 118 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT)" problem lasted for a week before I managed to find the problem and fix it.During that week I tried all solutions that I could find online to no avail. Many people have solved the connection problem by using a different browser or by using the facebook mobile site m.facebook.com.
